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ACL Injury
ACL injuries are very common in sports such as basketball, football and occur when there is a sudden changes direction.
Anatomy of the ACL​
Your ACL runs from the femur (your thigh bone) to the tibia (your shin bone) and is responsible for preventing your tibia (your shin bone) from sliding forward. When there is damage to the ACL there is less stability and your shin bone can move further forward causing a sensation of instability and your knees giving way.
How does the ACL tear
The ACL ruptures as a result of pivoting and the knee rotating inwards whilst the knee is fully extended causing increased tension on the ACL resulting in it tearing. This can occur in sports when suddenly changing directions when your feet is firmly planted to the floor.
What are the Symptoms
People with ACL injuries usually complain of a loud audible pop followed by a feeling of something coming out and then in.
After 1-2 hours the knee will start to swell as part of the inflammation process and can remain swollen for up to 1 week.
Initially a person will not be able to straiten there legs as the swelling will be intense,
After a full tear treatment for ACL injuries will ever be conservative or require surgery. Requiring surgery is determined by a few factors. If a person is returning to a high level of sports or if there is associated meniscus damage then it is likely that surgery will be required.
No matter what treatment method is approached a person will require physiotherapy treatment. At Physiofriend your physiotherapist will guide you back into the correct treatment and help you reach timely milestones.
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