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Radicular Neck pain
Radicular neck pain is pain which occurs when there is compression of a nerve root fibre as it exits the neck. Symptoms include burning, stabbing or electric pain. This should not be confused with radiculopathy which is a description of symptoms including a combination of loss of motor control, sensation and reflexes

The nerves which supplies the upper limbs emerge from the brachial plexus a bundle of nerves (near the shoulder joint) which emerge from the spinal levels C5-T1. These nerves provides movements and sensation to the arm and hands. They can become trapped as they leave the spine causing radicular neck pain
Cause of Radicular nerve pain
Radicular nerve pain can be the result of the nerves becoming trapped as they leave the nerves.This can happen due to the nerve becoming directly trapped e.g. the disc pushing against the nerve directly or lose its blood supply (become ischaemic) as a result of compression of the blood supply by structures such as the muscles.
During radicular cervical pain where the nerve has been compressed a person is likely to experience electric, stabbing or burning pain.​
Physiotherapy is necessary for restoring range of motion in the neck and reducing pain. At Physiofriend we can provide you with pain management techniques, home exercise programs to strengthen and restore movement in the neck and massage to aid the healing of muscles and reduce pain
Heat-When muscles are injured they usually become cold and stiff. Applying heat to the area can help reduce pain, improve circulation, keep muscles warm and supple. When using heat people have a combination of deep heat patches, hot water bottles or hot baths. Please consult your physiotherapist of GP before using a method you have not tried before.
NSAIDs; Anti-inflammatories scubas ibuprofen can reduce inflammation and pain in the surrounding region.
​Massage- Muscle tightness is a common result of neck pain and can be the primary of secondary reason for neck pain. Massage can help to reduce tightness, improve flexibility of the muscles and improve circulation.
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